Find the best employees in Zambia
The best talent and the biggest database in the country.
- Advanced filters
- Assessment tests
- Video interviews
A recruitment solution for every need
We understand that every company is different and Jobartis has the solutions for you.

Publish a job offer
- Post a job offer on the best job boards in Zambia
- We inform matching candidates about your posting through personalized job alerts
- Use our advanced filtering features to identify the best candidates

Staffing / Manpower
- Don't have time to recruit? We do it for you
- How much time you can spend recruiting? We serve all needs
- From CV filtering or interview scheduling to full recruiting, we have the solution for you.

Recruitment solutions
- Maximize productivity thanks to our innovative HR management digital tool
- We take care of all the administrative, financial, social, tax and labour aspects
- Remove the administrative burden, minimize costs and focus your efforts on your business

New cutting-edge recruitment tools

Recruitment dashboard
Keep track of all the processes from one app

Candidate management system

Rank candidates by relevance

Innovative video interview tool
Now with Jobartis you can interview candidates online and without leaving the platform

Schedule vídeo interviews
See scheduled interviews directly in your calendar.

Invite candidates by email.
Candidates receive an email with a link to participate in an interview.

Conduct interviews without leaving Jobartis.
Everything in a simple and organized way from your Jobartis account.
Revolutionary assessment tools
With Jobartis you can assess candidates with our range of competency and psychotechnical tests.

Specific skills for all positions

Hire the best candidates for the job

Filter candidates by test results

Hire the candidates best suited to your needs
The best candidate filter technology
The biggest candidates database
The most advanced tools
Personalized custoemr service